S.T.E.M Training Program

K-12 & Technology Workshops

The underrepresentation of the Black community in STEM fields is hurting Canada economically. While there are regular reports of a shortage of qualified tech workers to support one of the fastest-growing sectors in our economy, we see a situation where Black talent continues to be underutilized relative to their presence in the population. A study by the Brookfield Institute (2019) found that based on  the Black population counts from the 2016 census, there was a gap of  8,725 Black technology workers in Canada. Black Professionals in Technology Network (2022)  completed another study building on the previous findings and found that, based on projected growth rates in the technology sector, this gap could grow as large as 33,644 by 2024. Therefore, providing education and training for youth is essential in filling that gap.

Focus: Black Youth 4-29 years
Registration: Required
Next session starts: TBD


Our training program is committed to ensuring Black youth have a community-oriented and accessible learning environment to explore different facets of STEM. Increasing Black representation in STEM is critical to preparing youth for the jobs of tomorrow. Ensuring we offer training programs run by culturally appropriate educators is key as youth can see themselves and have multiple opportunities to connect and network with experts. Our training program delivers content from a broad range of voices, perspectives, and world views. We ensure equity, diversity and inclusion in our workshops, but we also acknowledge the limitations of some of these concepts in real life applications.

Youth are trained in the areas of STEM and will learn:

  • Leadership & entrepreneurship
  • Importance & how to use technology
  • Coding
  • Automation & Artificial Intelligence
  • Key concepts in STEM
Goals & Objectives

The goal of the program is to enable youth to have STEM skills that can help them both professionally and personally.

The main topics include:

  • Technology Hardware
  • Technology software
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation
  • STEM professions
  • Coding
  • Information Technology

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