Bryan Harris
President & Executive Director
Growing up in Malton as an all around athlete Bryan had the ability to physically play any sport he wanted. He passionately gravitated to soccer and basketball with dreams and aspirations to “Go Pro”. With the lack of support and knowledge needed to achieve such goals, Bryan turned to education and mentorship for those that came after him.
Over the years, Bryan encountered multiple student athletes – including his son, aspiring to attend post secondary with the same goals of “Going Pro” – but what Bryan found was that most student athletes were unable to convert their dreams into reality just as he wasn’t able to.
With many years of research and planning, Bryan was able to form a “One-Stop-Shop” solution for ALL student athletes who are aspiring to undergo post secondary education in the United States as well as in Canada.
In 2018, Bryan was able to expand his athlete consulting business with the opening of his charity, formally named, The Harris Brand Foundation. The Foundation was built to advance education by providing publicly available scholarships, bursaries, and other forms of financial assistance.
Leading with passion, dedication and education, Bryan will continue to use his platforms, network and business capabilities to give back to not only his community, but to the hard working individuals that haven’t received their opportunity due to unfortunate circumstances and or financial hardship.